Financial Governance


Branch Purpose

  • The purpose of the programme is to ensure sound financial management and financial accountability in the province through capacity building, financial reporting, financial management policies development and support of oversight structures/bodies, and also ensure that all Departments and public entities have implemented effective risk management and internal control processes and lastly to provide internal audit services to all Limpopo provincial departments in compliance with the approved internal audit plan.

The Branch is comprised of the following Sub-Programmes:

  • Programme Support is responsible for:
    1. Administering Accounting Services, Internal Audit and Risk Management in Provincial Departments and Public Entities.
  • Accounting Services is responsible for:
    1. Providing support to provincial departments and public entities on accounting standards and frameworks
    2. Monitoring compliance with the PFMA and Treasury regulations and other relevant policies and prescripts.
    3. Coordinating financial management training and provide transversal systems training in the province
    4. Ensuring that there is effective Risk Management in Provincial Departments and Public Entities.
  • Provincial Internal Audit is responsible for:
    1. Providing effective Internal Audit services in Provincial Departments.

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective 1 To achieve annual improvements in audit outcomes in 12 votes and 5 public entities by 2019/20
Objective Statement Provide efficient support to improve good governance and achieve annual improvements in audit outcomes for 12 votes and 5 public entities resulting in accumulating unqualified audit outcomes by 2019/20. e
  • Departments with Disclaimer opinion – 1
  • Departments with Adverse opinions – 0
  • Departments with Unqualified Audit Opinions – 6
  • Departments with Qualified Audit Opinions – 6
  • Departments with Clean Audit reports - 0
  • Public Entities with Unqualified Audit Opinion – 2
  • Public Entities with Disclaimer Audit Opinion – 1
  • Public Entities with Adverse Opinion – 1
  • Public Entities with Qualified Audit Opinions
Justification Achievement of this strategic objective will result in improved audit outcomes whilst promoting good governance and create a conducive control environment to foster an ethical culture within the province and also assist in efficient utilisation of limited public resources.
Links The achievement of this strategic objective will contribute towards the achievement of the following:
  • Departmental Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 2: Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient provincial government systems
  • LDP Objectives: Sound Financial and Administrative Management; Increase the number of unqualified audit opinions in departments, public entities and municipalities
  • MTSF National Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service
  • NDP Chapter 13 Objective: Building a Capable and Developmental State
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