Branch Purpose
- The purpose of the programme is to provide effective and efficient Strategic management, administrative support and sound financial management to Provincial Treasury
The Branch is comprised of the following Sub-Programmes:
- MEC Support Services which is responsible for:
- Providing Parliamentary and Legislative Support Services, Render administrative and secretarial services, provide media liaison services and also to facilitate policy advice to the MEC.
- Management Services which is responsible for:
- Providing Strategic and Administrative support to the HOD
- Corporate Services is responsible for:
- Ensuring the provision of Human Resource Management
- Ensure provision of Legal and Labour relations services
- Administering transformation programmes and employee welfare
- Financial Management (Office of the CFO)
- To render Management Accounting, Financial Accounting and Supply Chain Management services for the department
- To ensure monitoring of Organizational performance, Co-ordination of Strategic Planning and Policy development processes
Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective 1 |
Enable the Department to deliver in line with the mandate by improving management practices on HR, Strategic Management and Financial Management to level 4 of MPAT standards by 2018/19. |
Objective Statement |
To enable the Department by providing effective, efficient and prompt corporate and financial management services to level 4 of MPAT and maintain an unqualified audit outcome |
Baseline |
HR MPAT 1.3 level 2 attained Strategic Management MPAT 1.3 level 3 attained Financial Management MPAT 1.3 level 2 attained MPAT 1.3 departmental average score of 2.5 attained 2013/14 Unqualified Audit Outcome |
Justification |
Corporate and Financial Management service provide needed support to all the programmes in the form of HR, Strategic, Risk, Communication and Financial management to ensure compliance with the HR and Financial prescripts |
Links |
The achievement of this strategic objective will contribute towards the achievement of the following:
- Departmental Outcomes Oriented Goal 1: Strategic partnership that enables effective execution of the department’s legislative mandate
- LDP Objectives: Increasing the number of unqualified audit opinions in departments, public entities and municipalities; and Sound Financial and Administrative Management
- MTSF National Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service
- NDP Chapter 13 Objective: Building and Capable and Developmental State
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