A =
- AG - Auditor-General
- AL&SCM- Asset, Liabilities and Suplly Chain Management
- APP - Annual Performance Plan
B =
- BCP - Business Continuity Plan
- BAUD - Bar Coded Asset Audit
C =
- CFO - Chief Financial Officer
- CG - Coporate Governance
- CGAP - Certified Governance Auditing Professionals
- CIA - Certified Internal Auditor
- CoE - Compensition of Employees
- COO - Chief Operations Officer
- CS - Corporate Services
D =
- DORA - Division of Revenue Act
E =
- EXCO - Executive Council
F =
- FG - Financial Governance
F =
- GDP - Gross Domestic Product
- GAAL - Gateway Airports Authority Limited
H =
H =
- HOD - Head of Department
- HR - Human Resources
I =
- ICT - Information and Communication Technology
- ICU - Intensive Care Unit
- IT - Information Technology
- IYM - In Year Monitoring
L =
- LDP - Limpopo Development Plan
- LPT- Limpopo Provincial Treasury
M =
- MEC - Member of Executive Council
- MFMA - Municipal Finance Management Act
- MPAT - Municipal Performance Assessement Tool
- MPL - Member of the Provincial League
- MTSF - Medium Term Strategic Framework
N =
- NDP - National Development Plan
P =
- PFMA - Public Finance Management Act
- PIA - Provincial Internal Audit
- PMDS - Performance Management and Develoment System
- PPP - Pubic Private Partnership
- Q1 - Quarter 1
- Q2 - Quarter 2
- Q3 - Quarter 3
S =
- SCM - Supply Chain Management
- SGM - Supply General Management
- SM - Senior Manager
- SMS - Senior Management Serives
- SRM - Sustainable Resource Management